Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Green Rice

I cook this rice to remind myselfof the Green Rice served at Rice in NYC. I've made so many changes to the recipe, at this point, that I doubt it tastes much like the original.

For the rice:
Soak a cup of rice (I use brown rice.) in water.

For the green:
Put the following ingredients in a blender--
- a handful or two of fresh spinach, washed
- green onion, if you have it
- green cilantro, if you have it
- 2-4 green chillies, depending on your taste
- any other green leafy stuff you like
Blend the green stuff into a paste.

- Put a little olive oil and/or butter in a hot pan.
- Fry some diced onion, a little garlic, and a spoon of cumin seeds in the pan, over a slow flame.
- When the onion is almost cooked, add a handful of whole, raw cashew nuts.
- Continue cooking until the nuts are a little brown.
- Add the green paste, and stir it all around.
- Add the rice (drained), and mix well.
- Add some water (the amount depends on the type of rice, and the wetness of the green paste, but it should cover the rice).
- Bring to a boil, then turn down the heat and let the whole thing cook until the water is absorbed, and little flakes of green cling to the grains of rice.

This is delicious with yogurt, or with rajma cooked Punjabi-style.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am eating the green rice right now with rajma and a cold beer that has an entire lime squeexed into it. This is lunch and its delicious!